News Release

Face to Face With Young Single Adults 

Young Single Adult Activity Featuring Prerecorded Face-to-face Devotional, Followed By Food, Games, and Costume Judging.

The question and answer broadcast from Utah State University, U.S.A., was received throughout the world. Over 100 Young Single Adults of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered for a prerecorded version in the Nairobi, Kenya Upper Hill meeting house on Saturday, November 25, 2017.


Elder Oakes began his remarks by sending “love across the ocean, mountains and electronics”. And admonished the audience to remember that “inspiration is a process and one receives it in the Lord’s own time and way. Keep a smile on your face and remember the glorious message—why you believe in Jesus Christ’s restored church”.


Elder Ballard added, “to know the truth you need to build a faith that leads you to the truth and never forget that the best story in the world is that of the young Joseph Smith Jr and the Book of Mormon which gives the world the message of the restored complete gospel”.

As the questions were asked and answered, the hottest topics were about dating and choosing a mate. “This involves finding a balance of inspiration and using one’s own agency”, said Elder Oakes. “Quit texting and put your cell phones down and have an honest conversation, eye to eye and start a conversation with your own voice”.

Also, questions were asked about Addictions to substance abuse—Including pornography, was discussed. Addictions can be overcome, and cured by gaining a relationship with the Savior, Jesus Christ. “He will help and rescue. He is hope. Put Him in your life and he will give you strength in any challenge.”

After the close of the broadcast several single adults were interviewed. The following are responses from them:

When asked, a newly baptized young adult woman, Berly said that she liked the dating part best and Liz Ng’imor agreed and said she liked the part of using her agency and then ask the spirit to verify.

Timon Odma liked the discussion on how to merge the spiritual and temporal welfare of one’s life. And Eugene Amaugalia who served a mission in South Africa was impressed with the concept of balancing life with spiritual pursuit as well as secular education.

This devotional, turned social affair, organized by Brother and Sister Grey, was full of food, fun, costume judging, and music—and deemed a successful evening.


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